Quorum Court Members

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Quorum Court

The Justice of the Peace is an elected official in county government. Craighead County has 13 Justices of the Peace, who form the Craighead County Quorum Court.
The Quorum Court is the Legislative body of county government. Officers representing 13 districts within the county meet to conduct county business and review ordinances and resolutions for passage. The county judge is the presiding officer over the Quorum Court without a vote but with the power of veto. This veto can be overridden with a 3/5 vote of the total membership of the Quorum Court.

Duties of the Quorum Court include the following powers but are not limited to:

Adopt county ordinances and appropriate funds
Levy taxes in a manner as prescribed by law
Fill vacancies in county offices
Fix the compensation of each county officer with a minimum and maximum to be determined by the law
Provide for any service or performance of any function relating to county affairs
Exercise any other powers necessary for the effective administration of authorized services and functions

Steve Cline - Chair
Terry Couch
David Tennison
Garrett Barnes

Josh Longmire - Chair
Rick Myers
Dan Pasmore
Barry Forrest
Darrel Cook

Richard Rogers - Chair
Brad Noel
Linda Allison
Kevin Williams

If you have any questions, please contact quorumcourtmembers@craigheadcounty.org

2024 Quorum Court meeting schedule
2025 Quorum Court meeting schedule


Brad Noel
2108 Trinity Oaks
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone #: 870-919-9334
District 1 Map


Garrett Barnes
518 W Jefferson Ave
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone #: 870-897-0680
District 2 Map


Barry Forrest
2909 Bobbi Dawn
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone #: 870-897-1078
District 3 Map


Linda Allison
502 Old Canyon Rd
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone #: 870-243-5825
District 4 Map


Rick Myers
925 Valhalla Dr.
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone #: 870-759-0996
District 5 Map


Darrel Cook
3308 Lonoke Cove
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone # 870-974-0078
District 6 Map


Richard Rogers
4124 Cathedral Dr.
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone # : 870-243-0124
District 7 Map


David Tennison
4310 Hallie Cove
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone #: 870-273-0714
District 8 Map


Josh Longmire
PO Box 2293
Jonesboro, AR 72402
Phone #: 870-761-5674
District 9 Map


Steve Cline
1415 CR 353
Bono, AR 72416
Cell #: 870-926-7184
District 10 Map


Dan Pasmore
7114 Hwy 351
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Cell #: 870-933-8804
District 11 Map


Terry Couch
4638 HWY. 135 SOUTH
Caraway, AR 72419
Home – 482-3996
Cell – 919-3154
District 12 Map


Kevin Williams
149 CR 424
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Phone #: 870-919-2174
District 13 Map